P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com (610) 544-1818

The CIRCUS FOR JUSTICE & PEACE - (when all else fails), bring on the clowns!

APRIL 16, 2008

CIRCUS for JUSTICE & PEACE by Monique Frugier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpiuEh0MS8Y

The "IranMobile" Joins the Circus for Justice & Peace, Jeff Garis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6jsyJAD3I4



Photo slideshow by Cheryl Biren-Wright

On April 16, as the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus was having its Opening Night in Philadelphia and days before the
Pennsylvania primary, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton debated at the National Constitution Center in what may be the last
National Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate this election season. 

Hours before, A Circus for Justice & Peace, organized by the Brandywine Peace Community and the Kensington Welfare Rights
Union (KWRU), began in front of the Phila. Federal Building and Courthouse, blocks from the site of the debate - the National
Constitution Center. 

Clowns, minstrels, drummers, banner holders "Lady Liberty", a twelve foot purple gorilla, stood in a circus "midway" that filled the
sidewalk to one side of the Federal Building.  Circus music blared as well as the lunatic utterances of George W. Bush with the sneering
encouragment of the demonic clown, "Pennywise".  Above the Beatles singing "All You Need Is Love", the voice of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. echoed with the words of hope and justice. 

Circling the block was True Majority's "IranMobile", with George W. Bush riding a faux missile, warning of U.S. military threats against
Iran. Hundreds of flyers were distributed to the astounded and amused rush-hour passers-by. 

Then came the parade, lead by the the "IranMobile" through the historic past the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.  In front of
Independence Hall, as tourists, photographers, and videographers, filmed, the "IranMobile" raised and lowered the "missile" with Bush
astride, a tape of "yee-ahs", and smoke billowed from the rear of the missile, as our ringmaster, Steve Gulick, commented. 

After another short pause, the circus parade continued onto to an area of the Independence Mall just across from the National
Constitution Center.  The Circus arrived by way of the Mall area.  Throngs of Obama and Clinton supporters and signs already had
dominance of the area just across from the Constitution Center and TV crews were not penetrating the crowd to see any of the jesters
for justice and peace holding signs protesting the war, its continued funding, nor all the just human needs right here in front of us
sacrificed for the sake of war.

The news media took little or no note of our signs reading: "Billions for War ?; Little or nothing for the Poor ?"  The news of day for the
press generally were the candidates not the issues of war and poverty that affect the daily lives of the electorate.  The Circus was
in town! 

Re-directing  the attention and resources of the country from war to social justice, reconstruction (here and in Iraq), and human needs
must be the task of the anti-war movement and people of  justice and peace during the election year.  May the Circus for Justice &
Peace, in costume or out, continue.

Circus for Justice & Peace Endorsers: Catholic Peace Fellowship; Code Pink, Delaware River Area; Delaware County GREENS;
Granny Peace Brigade Phila.; Health Care for All Philadelphia; Lower Bucks Coalition for Peace Action; Northwest GREENS; Penn
Action; Phila. War Resisters League; PRAWN.